Commercial organization in Helwan (ID: 5609)


Owner’s name: Mr. Hani Askar
Mobile: 01020100715
Address: Arab Abu Saed, Autostrad Road – Helwan – Helwan

Commercial organization data

Area: 18000
License type: industrial
Type of activity: Interlock production
Number of floors: 1 floor
Number of rooms: 3
Number of bathrooms: 4
Number of kitchens: 1
Finishing level: Luxe finishing
Price: 13,000,000 Egyptian pounds
Required payment methods:
Cash “and the price per floor”
A fully automatic German factory consisting of (a Finger Car machine, a Copper machine, drying racks, a loader, a Clark loader, a complete German-made concrete station, 3,000 production pallets, 25 Ramf and Cobra brand molds), and air-conditioned management offices.


  • Property ID:
  • Home area:
    18000 M
  • Status:

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