Apartment in Gesr El Suez (ID: 6449)


Owner Name :Mr. Mohamed Wajih
Phone Number : 1204330066
Address: Fifty Street, Jasmine Tower 2, behind Bavaria, above the telecommunications company – Gesr El Suez
Apartment Data
Size: 170
Number of Levels: NULL
On the first floor:
Number of rooms: 4
Number of Bathrooms: 2
Number of Cuisines:1
Number of Reception 2
Number of Terraces: 1
Finishing Level:3
Asking price with mattresses: 0EGP
Asking price without brushes: 1250000EGP
Property Status:Big
Required payment methods:
Notes: An excellent strategic location with two front and back facades. The apartment is administrative and suitable (for clinics, companies and all activities). It has a gas meter and an old electricity meter Currently leased (and vacated at any time).


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