Land in Al-Wahat – Giza (ID: 8709)


Owner’s name: Mr. Abdul Hamid Al-Saeed
Mobile: 01204330066
Address: Mandisha Al-Juhaif Village – Bahariya Oasis – Giza –

Land data

Land type: reclaimed sandy
The best land activity: agricultural, with the establishment of an animal production project and a camel drying factory
Area: 20 acres
Price: 220,000 Egyptian pounds
Payment methods:
The asking price per acre is cash
Artesian water well, water salinity 445 P.P.Pm, planted and producing “fruits and palm trees, 5 years old”, paid in full in installments, and obtaining an initial contract from the Giza Governorate, not a “lender of hand”. A share of fertilizer is paid to it “in summer and winter” from the Agricultural Society in the Bahariya Oasis.. the source of energy. “20 HP solar energy,” it has a 40 K diesel generator, and it has a complete irrigation network. The land is very fertile and suitable for establishing all agricultural and animal production projects.


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