Apartment in Dokki – giza (ID: 7355)


Owner’s name: Mr. Ayten Mohamed Nayel
Phone number: 1098877737
Address: 22 Haroun Street – Dokki

Apartment data

Area: 264
Number of levels: NULL
On the fourth floor
Number of rooms: 3
Number of bathrooms: 3
Number of kitchens: 1
Number of reception 2
Number of terraces: 2
Finishing level:5
Asking price for mattresses: 0 Egyptian pounds
Asking price without furniture: 6,000,000 Egyptian pounds
Property condition: Fair
Required payment methods:
Notes: The apartment consists of (two apartments open to each other) and each apartment has a separate electricity meter. It has a registered real estate contract and has (2) garages in the drawing of the building. It has a share in the land.


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