Apartment in Helwan (ID: 6849)


Owner Name :Mr. Shady Samy
Phone Number : 1204330066
Address: 16 Ahmed Badawy Street, next to El Desouky Mosque, between Rail Street and Western Street – Helwan
Apartment Data
Size: 145
Number of Levels: NULL
On the ninth floor
Rooms No.: 2
Number of Bathrooms: 1
Number of Cuisines:1
Number of Reception 3
Number of Terraces: 1
Finishing Level:3
Asking price with mattresses: 0EGP
Asking price without brushes: 1250000EGP
Property Status: sale
Required payment methods:
Notes: Excellent strategic location on the façade and near all services. It has an open view on the main street. Lower Egypt.


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