Commercial organization in Sharm El Sheikh (ID: 5646)


Owner’s name: Major General Essam Fouad
Mobile: 01204330066: 01098877737
Address: Naama Bay – Sharm El Sheikh – South Sinai

Commercial organization data

Area: 23500
License type: Hotel (3 stars)
Type of activity: hotel
Number of floors: multiple
Number of rooms: 222 rooms and suites
Number of bathrooms: multiple
Number of kitchens: multiple
Finishing level: Lux D finishing
Price: 27,000,000 US dollars
Required payment methods:
It is (two adjacent hotels) in the heart of Sharm El Sheikh, directly on the sea. It features a swimming pool and a private sandy beach, and the area is famous for (diving)… It has its own car entrance and a staircase that leads to Naama Bay.. The hotel contracts are ownership and paid in full, not a usufruct right.. The hotel is a ferry. About two phases (two hotels) located in Marina, which is the best area in Sharm El Sheikh. The hotel consists of (222) rooms and suites, including (96) rooms directly on the sea and the rest on the promenade in Marina. The hotel has (24) stores and the stores “generate a large income.” “It is fully rented, 100% occupancy rate, and services (health club – diving center – shops – international diving center – 4 swimming pools – health club – restaurant – bar – administrative offices)


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  • Home area:
    23500 M
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