Shop in Port Said (ID: 6562)


Owner Name :Mr. Khaled Ali Anbar
Phone Number : 1204330066
Address : Climate Department Montazah Tower Owners Union Thalateeny Street next to Sinai Egypt – Port Said Port Said
Shop Data
Size: 44
First neighbor: Various commercial activities
Second neighbor: NULL
Finishing Level : 3
The best activity of the shop: suitable for all commercial activities
Legal Status :Owners Union
Price: For the highest price Egyptian pound
Required payment methods:
Notes: Excellent location and the shop consists of two floors (first floor 24 m and second floor 20 m) and has a bathroom and an internal ladder and glass windows He has a share in the land. There is also another store in King Faisal Street (formerly Aswan) with an area of 23 m at a price of (1,800,000) EGP.


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